High School

City of San Diego, Public Utilities, Ocean Monitoring Program

Our booth will contain preserved marine invertebrates and fish and we will use these to explain how the City uses marine life to monitor the health of the offshore environment. We will also have some of our water quality oceanographic equipment on display, as well as underwater survey videos showing various forms of fish and invertebrates encountered near the sewage outfall pipe as well out in the open water.

California Space Grant Consortium (CaSGC)

We would like to showcase some of the CaSGC sponsored activities within UCSD, including, but no limited to, Near Space Ballooning and Arduino and Micro-Controllers. We will be displaying posters of aerial photography taken from the balloons as well as explanations of the science behind Near Space Ballooning. We will also have Arduino displays which are often used as sensors for climatic data in the payload.

BioEASI (Biology Education and Art for Science Innovation)

Ever wonder how scientists see inside tiny cells and organisms to study them? Fluorescent, or glowing, proteins are the answer! These useful proteins can light up the insides of cells and tissues. Researchers from UCSD will demonstrate, through simple games, how scientists engineer fluorescent proteins and what kinds of questions they can help to answer. These glowing proteins can also make biological samples into beautiful art, which you will see at our booth.

San Diego Mesa College

Come explore how your amazing brain and cognition helps you to perceive, remember and navigate your world. Can you trust your perceptions? What do illusions teach us about brain processes? How much information can you hold in your short term memory? If you are fascinated by people, are interested in how we think and why we act the way we do, these activities will inroduce you to the exciting field of Psychological Science.


At our booth we will have two of our GLO Base 2 computers. One of them will be set up and showcasing how our computer runs, while the other will be there to demonstrate how to take apart and assemble our computer.

UC San Diego Eating Disorders Center for Treatment and Research

The research group at the UC San Diego Eating Disorders Center conducts neurocognitive and neuroimaging research studies on adolescents and young adults to better understand eating disorders. We are looking to recruit healthy control volunteers ages 11-17 to participate in a computerized, skill-based learning study. We will be sharing information about our current studies, results from past research studies, and providing informative and fun activities for kids of all ages.


The San Diego Chapter of AALAS is a non-profit benefit professional organization, not organized for the private gain of any person; and comprised of laboratory research industry professionals including Technicians, Research Scientists, Managers, Directors and commercial colleagues. Branch leadership is committed to educating and promoting the laboratory animal science community and we strive to represent the membership to the fullest extent, including appropriate public outreach efforts.

City of San Diego - Public Utilities

Our booth will include banners, pictures, demonstration items, handouts and giveaways. We have a "Down the Drain" spinning wheel that will draw people toward/into our booth. The "Down the Drain" game allows us to interact with people and present our message. We want the public to be good stewards of the environment and dispose of items properly (trash, sewer or compost). We will also answer any questions people ask regarding wastewater treatment and food waste.

UCSD Neuroscience Outreach

Neurosciences graduate students founded and organized the Neuroscience Outreach Program to share our knowledge of the brain and neuroscience research with San Diego students and community members. This year at the EXPO our student volunteers present several teaching modules, including sheep brain dissection, comparative neuroanatomy, and demonstrations of electrical signaling in the nervous system, including making a cockroach leg "dance" to music played through an iPhone.

2025 Festival Presenting Sponsor

2025 Festival Platinum Sponsor