Girl Scouts Junior Business Jumpstart Badge Workshop

Saturday, May 1, 2021 - 12:00 to 14:00

Challenge IslandĀ® partners with Girl Scout councils nationwide, and we offer interactive, hands-on STEAM Girl Scout virtual workshops for girls of all ages - Daisy through Ambassador. These session are hands-on, lead live by Challenge Island instructor and the other kids on the call. So come join us on our interactive online classes and connect with your troop members and new Girl Scout friends. We have put together a special workshop just for you!

In the Junior Business Jumpstart Badge Workshop, girls will use the Engineering Design Process to complete the badge requirements by listening to an Entrepreneur's story and learning about a product & service that touches our lives. Girls will then evaluate that product to appeal to target a specific customer, design a prototype, get feedback on it, and revise their prototype in incorporate the suggestions. Girls will come up with a pitch for their product/service and pitch it to the other Juniors.

Grade School
Registration Required: 
Registration Instructions: 
Please Register here by April 25 to reserve your spot -

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