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Geek Girl

We will have some Geek Girls at the booth to answer questions on tech. We will be setup with Star Wars and other props for pictures and selfies. We will have resource material.


Did you know that you can write your name, or in this case your initials, using binary coding using the ASCII code that computers read? Computers assign a string of 0’s and 1’s in different combinations and that translates as images or words on a computer screen. For this activity you will pick three colors – one will represent 0, one will represent 1 and the last we will use as a space between letters.

Cajon Valley School District - TEDxKids@ElCajon

Cajon Valley Union School District will share some of their innovative maker activities. At Cajon Valley students learn Presentation Literacy by writing and presenting their own TED talks. Students learn computer programing through our partnership with, engineering with Lego EV3 Mindstorm robots, Dash and Dot robots and many more opportunities. Check out the Cajon Valley School District schools and opportunities at our website,

iD Tech

iD Tech is proud to provide STEAM activities for kids and teens this year at EXPO Day! Visit our booth to explore how you can "Make Awesome" with Minecraft, robotics, virtual reality, 3d printing, and more!

California Space Grant Consortium (CasGC)

The UCSD Near Space Ballooning team sponsored by CaSGC will be displaying informational and educational material regarding high altitude ballooning. Also exhibiting will be electronic equipment such as radio transmitters, cameras, satellite navigation systems, and a glider which can all be payload components recording atmospheric data. From past events, we've seen a growing interest from educators and families interested in launching their own balloons due to material accessibility.

San Diego Mobile Technology for Kids Project

Cardboard Video Game Controllers! Students will make their own video game controllers that interface with a computer to play a preloaded video game(e.g. Super Mario). In Station 1, kids will color, cut, & decorate their controller design using markers, cardboard, and foil paper. In Station 2, they will connect their custom controllers to our laptops using our Makey Makey computer interface boards. Kids learn about circuits (closed v. open) & computer engr. design cycles (prototype & test).

Magnolia Science Academy

Several Engineering related student created and student demonstrated hands-on activities. - Robotics: * Several remote controlled robots. * Autonomous challenge course robots. * Rubik's cube solver robot. * Mini bug and fish bots for kids. - Coding: * Student programmed computer games. * Student programmed smart phone apps. * Interactive web based coding applications. Note: Visitors will have a chance to interact with all the activities mentioned above.

2024 Festival Presenting Sponsor

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It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

2024 Sponsors  

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